SCADA Data Gateway

Support for ICCP/ TASE.2

Related Products

Single Solution - With the SCADA Data Gateway, you can translate an ICCP interface directly to other SCADA protocols like DNP3, IEC 60870-5 (IEC 101, IEC 104), IEC 61850, or Modbus. There is no need to have two separate OPC drivers (one for ICCP and one for the other SCADA protocol).

Software Only Solution - The SCADA Data Gateway can be run on any Windows PC. This allows the translation to ICCP to be performed on either a SCADA server or an embedded PC in the field.

Map ICCP Data and Controls - The SCADA Data Gateway supports mapping ICCP points and controls directly to other SCADA protocols like DNP3, IEC 101, IEC 104, IEC 61850, or Modbus.

Large Number of Points - High server point count and 250 connections can be supported. 

Millisecond Time Stamps
 - Millisecond time stamps are supported for extended ICCP data types.

Security - Authentication and TLS encryption is supported for ICCP.

Protocol gateway for ICCP and TASE.2




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